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hot melt adhesive 0.05mm

hot melt adhesive film, also known as hot melt hot glue, hot melt double-sided tape, hot melt back adhesive, is an adhesive material similar to double-sided tape that has the ability to permanently bond two materials. hot melt adhesive film is the hot mel

  • 行业:医疗,服装,鞋材,箱包,汽车,电子,家私,光学,卫生,婴幼,皮革,宠物
  • 功能:防水,透气,阻燃,防静电,免喷胶
  • 颜色:透明,不透明

product parameters

product name:eva hot melt adhesive film
product brand:fulian
color:true color
material thickness:0.05mm
product specifications:0.05mm*1.37m
tensile properties:excellent
unit:square meters
whether to customize:can be customized

hot melt adhesive film, also known as hot melt hot glue, hot melt double-sided tape, hot melt back adhesive, is an adhesive material similar to double-sided tape that has the ability to permanently bond two materials. hot melt adhesive film is the hot melt adhesive particles are melted and coated into a thin film of hot melt adhesive through a high-precision coating head.


processing temperature: 110~160℃, low processing temperature, labor saving, good transparency, strong bonding fastness, water resistance, dry cleaning resistance, no glue seepage, environmental protection and other characteristics.
it is widely used in laser burning, embroidery badges, drilling, aluminum foil and copper foil lamination, refrigerator evaporators, aluminum-plastic panel honeycomb panel lamination, automotive metal decorative parts, textile industry, glass products and other industries.


1. 100% environmentally friendly.


2. fast bonding speed and high efficiency.


3. it can be bonded repeatedly and can be bonded again after heating.


4. can be used as an adhesive and sealant at the same time


5. instead of glue, there is no need to prepare glue and apply glue.


6. high adhesion to most materials, higher than glue.


7. automated production is possible.


8. dry cleaning resistance, water washing resistance, high temperature resistance and low temperature resistance are optional.


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