application of tpu glue-free blister film in blister door panels2023-03-15the spray-free plastic blister film is a product developed to address the current problems in the blister process. its emergence has changed the production method of blister products. tpu film manufacturers break the tradition and adopt new blister technology. the spray-free plastic blister film cabinet is an important part of customized furniture, and the cabinet door, which serves as the "facade", is extremely...
tpu film needs water spray sticker2023-03-131. is it good to use hydrogel film on mobile phones? 2. how to solve the problem that the hydrogel film feels astringent? 3. why spray invisible film? 4. is the hydrogel film anti-falling? 5. are there any disadvantages to mobile phone liquid film?
application of tpu waterproof and breathable membrane in clothing materials2023-03-13tpu waterproof and breathable membrane is one of the fastest-growing new elastomer materials in china. the annual growth rate has been around 15% in recent years. with europe, the united states, japan, south korea and other countries restricting the use of pvc materials in certain fields, domestic some companies have gradually begun to use tpu materials instead of pvc. tpu waterproof breathable membrane material is absolutely...
what is the reason for slitting tpu film?2023-03-10recently, a customer inquired whether the tpu film purchased can be slit. why should it be slit? in fact, the reasons are: 1. through slitting/rewinding, appearance defects such as misalignment of products can be corrected, and the grade of the product can be improved. 2. during slitting, the quality of the entire length of the film can be re-inspected to eliminate defective parts. anyway, no...
what are the prices of different tpu hot melt adhesive film types?2023-03-08the main component of tpu hot melt adhesive film is thermoplastic polyurethane, so it is also called thermoplastic polyurethane hot melt adhesive film. tpu hot melt adhesive film has some common characteristics of polyurethane materials, such as soft material, cold resistance, and water resistance. tpu hot melt adhesive film has three types: high melting point type, medium temperature melting point type and low melting point type. among them, the high melting point t...
introduction and characteristics of tpu hot melt adhesive film ingredients2023-03-06the main component of tpu hot melt adhesive film is tpu, which is called thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer rubber in china. this material has the characteristic of exhibiting good elasticity with increasing melting point temperature. low-temperature tpu hot-melt adhesive film has no elasticity, while high-temperature tpu hot-melt adhesive film has good elasticity. tpu hot melt adhesive film has some common characteristics of polyurethane materials...
application of tpu waterproof and breathable membrane in electronic products2023-03-04the raw material of tpu waterproof and breathable film is an intermediate between rubber and plastic. according to the level of waterproof performance, it can be divided into low, medium and high waterproof and breathable films; tpu waterproof and breathable film uses: waterproof film and breathable film for walkie-talkies, waterproof and breathable film for mobile power supply, scan code box waterproof membrane and breathable membrane, robot waterproof membrane and breathable membrane, executive...
tpu waterproof breathable membrane material introduction2023-03-01the material of tpu waterproof and breathable membrane is very good. it has excellent corrosion resistance, elasticity and strength, has good insulation and durability, and it itself can protect metal from corrosion. it can also resist very high temperatures, with a temperature range of -60°c to 125°c, and can resist different corrosive environments. tpu waterproof and breathable...